Find Your People.

Connect as strangers and leave like family!

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How It All Started

Our First Bunking Beta

Updated: Nov 23, 2022

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to gather a group of complete strangers for an intimate experience? A few months ago, we beta tested the Bunking concept by bringing together a group of eight young professionals to live together for an entire week. We gathered in Prince Edward County in a beautiful scenic home by the water.

Our team intended to gather a group of like-minded people that would bond over a common interest, in this case, we chose remote work. What we didn’t anticipate were the bonds, and genuine human-to-human connections that would be forged throughout the duration of the experience.

How did we find participants?

We tapped into our social community and began to put out feelers. We wanted to know if the community we had spent months building on social media would be interested in connecting with like-minded people to share experiences and wow, were they ever! In a limited time, we had received well over one hundred applicants and the response was overwhelming! Our team quickly got to work on combing through the applications. We researched what the intended audience would appreciate amongst other BunkMates and we got to work on a comprehensive questionnaire that would ensure that all participants that were chosen would be compatible.

What happened during the stay?

We anticipated that BunkMates would collaborate throughout the day and brainstorm together while working remotely. But what we didn’t anticipate was the synergy that immediately formed amongst the group. We had young professionals from tech, travel and tourism, hospitality, and government and everyone was able to find synergies and meet on common ground.

Our BunkMates adventured to the sand dunes, took in local eateries and wineries, shared stories by the campfire, and played board game after board game. Strangers turned into friends and the entire group quickly merged to share meals and create lasting memories.

What has happened since?

Since, all participants have kept in touch. Sharing career advice and milestones, and even gathering for a game night where we reminisced on climbing the sand dunes and laughing over our nightly board game sessions. We keep in touch regularly and hope to host a reunion in the near future.

I was fortunate enough to have been selected to participate in this experience. After having withstood almost two years of social isolation as a result of the pandemic, connecting with other people my age that shared similar interests to my own was both refreshing and heartwarming.

My new friend and fellow BunkMate Pushpvir said it best when he reflected on the experience and opened up about how he never envisioned himself as an introvert participating in an experience of this kind. “I spent 5 days with complete strangers at a location that I had never been to before. I couldn’t have imagined my introverted self to be out and about yet, I wanted to be a part of it and it turned out to be an incredible experience! Be it playing Phase 10 with Hannah and Rose or jamming to Bollywood songs with Aman and Alison. Be it listening to the greater vision from Darren and Katrina or learning about physical well-being from Olivia.Every bit of the experience provided by Bunking was to be cherished.”

What’s next for Bunking?

Bunking is a social marketplace that is connecting like-minded people through flexible shared living stays and once in a lifetime travel experiences. We will leverage innovative, matchmaking technology to connect users with a group of people that share their interests and match their energy so everyone, everywhere, can begin to prioritise human-to-human connection. Our technology is customer centric; always honing in on the core fundamentals that are necessary for humans to thrive.

Join us as we connect like-minded people from all around the world by subscribing to our newsletter for marketplace updates and insider insights!

More About Us And Our Journey emerged from a transformative experience. Our co-founder, deeply moved by the bonds formed during two micro retreats hosted on our platform, saw firsthand how guests arrived as strangers but departed as family, reluctant to leave even after three days together. This profound connection inspired a shift in our mission. Originally created to meet a practical need for affordable, shared-living accommodations, as explored by our founder’s children, Darren and Katrina, who sought a communal living arrangement for remote working in Tofino, has evolved. Today, we focus on crafting more than just a stay — we aim to foster lasting relationships and meaningful experiences. Trust, transparency, and safety remain our core values, ensuring that every encounter through is not just a transaction, but a doorway to new friendships and cherished memories.


Our Mission

At, our mission is to create a platform that fosters deep, meaningful connections among people by offering unique, locally organized overnight group stays. We aim to transform simple gatherings into lifelong memories and build a community where strangers can meet and leave as family, enriching lives through shared experiences.

Bunking Group